Thursday, December 2, 2010

advertising greatest hits

This post is going to be a little picture heavy.

As some of you may know, I have always been a fan of advertising. Even in the days of ipad and all that digital stuff, I prefer grabbing a magazine and flipping through the ads. Nothing is better than a well delivered message. I am currently over halfway through my degree in marketing so now i can say there is a level of "work" involved in reading magazines. I know that last statement is a stretch, anyway, my dad forwarded me some great accomplishments in printed advertising. For the record I have no problem with any of these ads. I believe, the point of a good ad is to conjure up some sort of emotion. Even if you find the ad offensive, you can't help but remember it... that's a win for the company.

This one is for R.Kelly

ps. and about being effective, the Coke ad with the baby has stood the test of time. During black friday I saw a little kid sharing a coke with their mom at 9AM. That is early on two different levels. God bless america.

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