Friday, December 25, 2009

polaROIDS from the trip

Here are some polaROIDS from our trip. Camera broke but was able to keep it together to get a couple photos's. Click on them to make them bigger.

This is on the way down to california, it's what i used to think america was before i moved here.... not much has changed in my mind.

my lovely wife, actually smiling.

outside my favourite art show to date.

this is the changing room at supreme

Chad Muska's supra and Kr3w shop.

Also went to Family books, that place is awesome. The photo wasn't so awesome so i won't post it... actually none of the pictures are that awesome... oh well too late.

after seeing beautiful trees, landscaping, the ocean and just all around cleanness, it thought is was funny that they labeled this "breathtaking"

Trip was fun, lucky for me my in laws are rad and my wife puts up with art galleries and me spending hours in book stores. Thank you.

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