Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The hills recap

Last nights episode was rather interesting but in a boring way. It's like planning the get together of a lifetime and then feeling the "was that it?" afterward. (Actually I kinda feel like that after every episode) Anyway, the list of situations in this episode were:
-Whitney moving to NY "the city'
-Heidi and Spencer getting "married"
-Lauren crying or complaining about something.
With a set list like that, it was sure to be a good one. It was actually anti climactic and Whitney's goodbye went on way too long. The highlight was Justin's only line of the episode. When Spencer's sister was stressing to Audrina about how the two of them just disappeared without telling anyone (mostly her) Justin says "maybe we should put up signs." I talk about it but it's not as funny as how He says it in a sort of way too imply "who cares, stop stressing and get over it" It was exactly what I was thinking so maybe that's why I laughed.

click here for a better recap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you actually watch this show? i met a girl who is a die hard fan. She claims her goal in life is the BFF's with " LC ".